
Trust Badges & Icons PoshIcons

10,000+ impactful icons for enhanced sales and UX. Easy use helps sell more.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDtrusticon-guarantees-features
Vendor IDkrondesign
Launched25 October 2022
CategoriesTrust badges
Avg rating3.2
Total reviews5

Benefits of Trust Badges & Icons PoshIcons

About Trust Badges & Icons PoshIcons

Enhance your store’s credibility and appeal with our PoshIcons app. Our extensive library of over 10,000 icons, specifically designed as trust badges, helps reassure customers about the security, authenticity, and reliability of your store. From payment security badges to money-back guarantees, our professionally designed icons cover a wide range of trust factors essential for e-commerce success.

Easy For Beginners, No Coding,  trust badges

Easy For Beginners, No Coding, trust badges

10.000 icons , trust badges

10.000 icons , trust badges

Instantly communicates  your message with a glance

Instantly communicates your message with a glance