
AI Search & Product Filter |SB

Drive more sales by optimizing search & filter capability.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDultimate-search-and-filter-1
Vendor IDsobooster
Launched09 January 2020
CategoriesNavigation and filters Search
Avg rating4.6
Total reviews527

Benefits of AI Search & Product Filter |SB

About AI Search & Product Filter |SB

Our search and filter solution improves your store’s search and filter experience and helps your clients find products quickly. It boosts the conversion of your store with Advanced AI-powered Search Engine.

As a result, it will instantly increase performance, shorten the customer journey in your store, and increase sales and revenue.

Autocomplete, instant search with typo tolerance

Autocomplete, instant search with typo tolerance

Shopify collection and product filter

Shopify collection and product filter

Shopify filter sidebar & horizontal layout

Shopify filter sidebar & horizontal layout