
Age Gate

Protect yourself and your reputation with our lightweight and easy to use age verification system.

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App IDunicorn-age-gate
Vendor IDunicorn-global
Launched05 July 2019
CategoriesAge verifier
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Age Gate

About Age Gate

Do you sell age-restricted items? Do you stock cannabis products, alcohol or other adult paraphernalia?

If you have these or similar producs on your store then an age gate is required in order to guarantee that you comply with both local and international laws.

Age Gate will not slow down your store or make your visitors wait around, even with large custom background images, and you don’t have to worry about CSS, hex colours or pixels - styling your age verification has never been easier.

Default configuration with a background image

Default configuration with a background image

Customised confirmation box with inverted buttons

Customised confirmation box with inverted buttons

Solid colour background with a logo and birthday input

Solid colour background with a logo and birthday input