
Upsellito: Checkout Upsells

Create checkout upsells to generate more revenues. Display multiple upsells on checkout pages.

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App IDupsellito
Vendor IDtibaka-it
Launched07 September 2023
CategoriesUpselling and cross-selling
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Upsellito: Checkout Upsells

Create multiple upsells with different rules and priorities
No commission on sales
Keep a track of your upsells conversion rate
Create a generic upsell to display at every checkout
Works with the new Checkout UI.

About Upsellito: Checkout Upsells

Create checkout upsells based on the rules you defined and your your priorities. You can display multiple checkout upsells for the customer to choose. Display a message with the upsell to encourage the customer to add it to the cart. Easy to configure, works with checkout extension UI.

custom upsells texts and multiple upsells per page

custom upsells texts and multiple upsells per page

Various option in the upsell configurator tool.

Various option in the upsell configurator tool.

Settings for display and checkout ui

Settings for display and checkout ui