
UTurn Manage & Resell Returns

UTURN helps brands to resell their returns before they are shipped back to the warehouse

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDuturn
Vendor IDuturn
Launched19 October 2023
CategoriesReturns and exchanges Inventory optimization
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of UTurn Manage & Resell Returns

About UTurn Manage & Resell Returns

Your brand can benefit from sustainable returns. With our platform, you can list incoming returns as “available from returns” stock on your website. Upon resale the item is simply redirected to the next customer. UTURN reads and uses customer information (Name, Email, Phone and Address) to manage shipments purchasing and monitoring and to enable finding prospects for buying the returned items.


  1. Warehouse location in the US is mandatory.
  2. Shipments are restricted to within the US.
How UTurn Works

How UTurn Works

Full Control on Sales Rules & Discounts

Full Control on Sales Rules & Discounts

UTurn Dashboard

UTurn Dashboard