
Uva Delivery

Uva Fleet: Fast, reliable deliveries seamlessly integrated

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App IDuva-delivery
Vendor IDuva-group-llc
Launched12 July 2023
CategoriesLocal delivery
Avg rating4.6
Total reviews3

Benefits of Uva Delivery

About Uva Delivery

Uva Fleet is a delivery solution for Shopify merchants, offering seamless integration, reliable deliveries, and real-time tracking.

Ideal for various industries, our app connects you to an extensive fleet network, ensuring timely orders and improved customer satisfaction.

Customize delivery options to suit your needs, and let Uva Fleet streamline your operations while focusing on growing your business.

Experience fast, convenient deliveries with our all-in-one solution.

Import fulfilled orders & request drivers with ease

Import fulfilled orders & request drivers with ease

Track, view costs & cancel orders in one place

Track, view costs & cancel orders in one place

 Real-time tracking screen for order updates

Real-time tracking screen for order updates