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App IDvalidation-com
Vendor IDvalidation-com-dev
Launched29 September 2020
CategoriesAge verifier
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Validation.com

About Validation.com

#Ask customers for ID just like you do in person!

How much fraud a merchant encounters depends on many things, from what they are selling, to their physical location, but it’s a pain every merchant feels at some point.

Of course, not every transaction is bad, thankfully most aren’t. Sometimes though, a transaction will come in which just doesn’t feel right, or has triggered a flag somewhere in your system of checks and controls.

This is where Validation.com can provide a great service to…

REAL - Bad actor blocked w/ digital images of credit card

REAL - Bad actor blocked w/ digital images of credit card

User Submission - The submission screen loads post purchase

User Submission - The submission screen loads post purchase