
Whatssy Whatsapp Ordre SMS OTP

Elevate your brand with Whatssy: Engage customers, streamline confirmations.

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App IDvao-whatsapp-order-sms-confirmation-otp
Vendor IDe-cod1
Launched12 October 2023
CategoriesMerchant order notifications
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews17

Benefits of Whatssy Whatsapp Ordre SMS OTP

About Whatssy Whatsapp Ordre SMS OTP

Whatssy is the ultimate solution for Shopify merchants looking to streamline their order confirmation process and engage customers effectively. Harness the power of WhatsApp to send personalized order confirmations and boost customer satisfaction. With Whatssy, you can automate, customize, and track your order confirmation messages like never before.

WhatsApp Integration.

WhatsApp Integration.

OTP Confirmation.

OTP Confirmation.

Customizable Templates.

Customizable Templates.