Variator: See Product Variants

Show infinite variants as separate products on collection pages to boost product visibility & sales

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App IDvariants-as-separate-products
Vendor IDextendons
Launched30 July 2021
CategoriesProduct variants Custom text Preview Variants display Variant upcharges Hide out-of-stock Collections Custom rules Hide products Filtering Variants
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews181

Benefits of Variator: See Product Variants

Show Product Variants as separate products on collections increase visibility
Show All or choose Selected Variants on the collection page
Enable-Disable Add to Cart button on Variants
Customize add to cart button text and button color according to store color
Customers will be able to find variants products in search results

About Variator: See Product Variants

Variator App displays infinite variants on collection. This allows users to find the right product directly from the shop without having to open a product and select the product variant from the drop-down. Variator app lets merchants enable an “Add to cart” button with product variants on the shop page so customers can directly add variants to their cart and checkout. Merchants customize the “Add to cart” Button. Show variants on collection and maximize variants product pages conversions

Variator App show variants as a seprate product

Variator App show variants as a seprate product

show variants color and size on collection pages

show variants color and size on collection pages

display variants as a seprate products in search bar

display variants as a seprate products in search bar