
Vendor Details on Metaobjects

Highlight product brands with rich vendor details and collections. Increase product discoverability.

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App IDvendor-details-on-metaobjects
Vendor IDcoders-win
Launched29 May 2023
CategoriesMetafields Upselling and cross-selling - Other
Avg rating4.4
Total reviews2

Benefits of Vendor Details on Metaobjects

About Vendor Details on Metaobjects

Vendor Details enables you to enrich your store’s vendor information with data such as text, images, or social media links using pre-configured metaobject definitions. The pre-designed storefront blocks are widely customizable and can be styled with CSS to follow the unique store’s branding. Integration requires no coding experience, it works with any Shopify themes and is fully responsive. Data is stored directly in Shopify and rendered server-side, resulting in perfect performance and SEO.

Including vendor details page. Each vendor has their own page.

Including vendor details page. Each vendor has their own page.

Fully built on Shopify Metaobjects. Stored in Shopify.

Fully built on Shopify Metaobjects. Stored in Shopify.

Widely customizable theme blocks. Use your own styling.

Widely customizable theme blocks. Use your own styling.