Vendors logo

Easily showcase vendor logos, create seller profiles, and display vendor listings with products

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App IDvendor-logo
Vendor IDcharanpahari
Launched06 November 2018
CategoriesDesign elements - Other Badges and icons
Avg rating4.3
Total reviews3

Benefits of Vendors logo

The app will show all the listed vendors on the store
Upload an image for all the vendors to show over product and collections pages
Create collection page for the vendors

About Vendors logo

Enhance your storefront with vendor branding by displaying their logos and creating dedicated seller profiles. Our app allows you to group products under vendors using custom collections, making it easier for customers to explore and shop by seller. The backend dashboard provides a complete vendor listing, ensuring store owners can efficiently manage and showcase all vendor-related products. Ideal for multi-brand and marketplace-style stores.

vendor image install guide

vendor image install guide

vendor listing

vendor listing

vendor image product page

vendor image product page