VTN Power Wishlist

Introducing "VTN Power Wishlist" – your ultimate solution for effortless wishlist management.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDvtn-power-wishlist
Vendor IDvt-netzwelt2
Launched28 February 2024
CategoriesWishlists Public wishlist Favorites Save for later Guest wishlist Import and export Custom layouts Custom icons
Avg rating5
Total reviews13

Benefits of VTN Power Wishlist

Receive expert guidance for customizing the setup to match your unique needs.
Enhance the user experience by integrating guest wishlists.
Utilize advanced reporting features for in-depth data analysis.
Easily Save for Later for user convenience.
Enjoy feature accessibility across various pages.

About VTN Power Wishlist

“VTN Power Wishlist” revolutionizes your store experience. Easily add desired items to your personalized wishlist from any page. Customize your wishlist to reflect aspirations and personal style. Gain insights into customer preferences, use wishlist data for targeted marketing, and provide a personalized shopping experience. Guest users can effortlessly create and manage wishlists. Install “VTN Power Wishlist” today and secure early bird discounted rates.

VTN Wishlist - Product Page

VTN Wishlist - Product Page

VTN Wishlist - Collection Page

VTN Wishlist - Collection Page

VTN Wishlist - My wishlist page

VTN Wishlist - My wishlist page