
Wapp ‑ WhatsApp Chat Button

Drive sales with marketing through WhatsApp chat buttons for conversions and abandoned cart recovery

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App IDwapp-whatsapp-chat-button
Vendor IDcodeimo
Launched07 March 2024
CategoriesChat Abandoned cart
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Wapp ‑ WhatsApp Chat Button

About Wapp ‑ WhatsApp Chat Button

Wapp helps you drive more sales and recover abandoned checkouts easily. It lets you integrate various WhatsApp button styles on your site to improve conversion rates. Utilize A/B testing to determine the most appealing button design for your audience. With detailed analytics, you can fine-tune your strategy continuously. Elevate customer experience with WhatsApp chat integration for effective marketing and cart recovery, ensuring every interaction contributes to your sales objectives.

Wapp - WhatsApp Chat Button & abandoned cart recovery

Wapp - WhatsApp Chat Button & abandoned cart recovery

Wapp - WhatsApp Chat Button & abandoned cart recovery

Wapp - WhatsApp Chat Button & abandoned cart recovery

Wapp - WhatsApp Chat Button & abandoned cart recovery

Wapp - WhatsApp Chat Button & abandoned cart recovery