

Automatically determine if your temperature-sensitive packages are safe to ship.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDweatheriship
Vendor IDcarlton2
Launched12 May 2023
CategoriesFulfilling orders - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of WeatherIShip

About WeatherIShip

WeatherIShip helps merchants protect their temperature-sensitive packages during transit. By connecting to the merchant’s orders, WeatherIShip fetches the expected delivery date and the maximum and minimum temperatures over the period before the order is delivered. With this information, merchants can determine if their package needs insulation, a heat pack, or a cool pack to maintain the right temperature during transit.

For US destinations only.

Load all orders in, select orders to fetch weather for

Load all orders in, select orders to fetch weather for

Fetched weather comes back, able to change tags

Fetched weather comes back, able to change tags

Save the tags WeatherIShip generates!

Save the tags WeatherIShip generates!