
Gift Cards by WeGifts

Easily manage gift card sales with We Gifts. Offer SMS/email options, generate bulk cards and B2B.

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App IDwegifts
Vendor IDlook-around-apps
Launched09 August 2023
CategoriesGift cards
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Gift Cards by WeGifts

About Gift Cards by WeGifts

We Gifts simplifies gift card management for Shopify store owners.

With We Gifts, store owners can manage gift cards, offer customers the option to send gift cards by SMS or email, and generate bulk gift cards grouped by client name for B2B sales.

We Gifts stands out with its bulk gift card grouping, list exporting, usage tracking, and sales statistics features. Our app solves manual gift card management, streamlines the gift card sales process, and saves your time.

Schedule and send your gift your way

Schedule and send your gift your way

personal message assitance - we have got your covered

personal message assitance - we have got your covered

