
Meetanshi WhatsApp Chat

Goodbye delayed response. Add WhatsApp chat to your store so shoppers can quickly connect with you.

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App IDwhatsapp-chat-11
Vendor IDmeetanshi
Launched01 August 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Meetanshi WhatsApp Chat

About Meetanshi WhatsApp Chat

Unlock the power of instant communication using WhatsApp chat integration and create a win-win situation for you and your shoppers. Your shoppers win as they can instantly connect with you via WhatsApp, and you can make it your most reliable communication channel and improve conversions. Here your shoppers can connect with you without saving your contact number, and as a store admin, you get a hand full of access to make it a delightful and engaging experience.

Customize WhatsApp Message

Customize WhatsApp Message

Control WhatsApp Chat Button Position

Control WhatsApp Chat Button Position

Minimalistic Design

Minimalistic Design