
WhatsAppy ‑ WhatsApp Button

WhatsApp button to help customer engagement & support with GEO targeting numbers & tracking

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App IDwhatsappy
Vendor IDihateonions
Launched24 October 2023
CategoriesPhone support
Avg rating5
Total reviews10

Benefits of WhatsAppy ‑ WhatsApp Button

About WhatsAppy ‑ WhatsApp Button

WhatsAppy makes it super easy to display a call to action button on your storefront which is highly customisable & offers an opening pre-filled message.

The ability to add multiple numbers / agents & assign them to a country allows for a more tailored response to customer questions & support.

Tracking the clicks of the button helps merchants see the locations of where questions are coming from, the devices used, & how many customers proceeded to send the message after clicking.

WhatsAppy - General Settings

WhatsAppy - General Settings

WhatsAppy - Multiple Numbers & Agents

WhatsAppy - Multiple Numbers & Agents

WhatsAppy - Opening Messages

WhatsAppy - Opening Messages