
AT Wholesale & Volume Discount

Improve sale with POS, Wholesale, Volume, tier discount, discounts on order total and quantity break

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App IDwholesale-volume-discount-1
Vendor IDwebd5
Launched24 January 2024
Avg rating5
Total reviews6

Benefits of AT Wholesale & Volume Discount

BOGO, Bulk discounts, Cart discounts, Checkout discounts, Countdown timers, Coupons, Custom discounts, Discount codes, Dynamic pricing, Fixed pricing, Flat discounts, Free shipping, Gifts, Limited time offers, Percentage discounts, Quantity breaks, Tiered pricing, Volume discounts, Wholesale pricing
Bulk editing, Currency conversion, Custom code, Discount stacking, Filtering, Geo location, Import and export, Localization, Segmentation, Tagging

About AT Wholesale & Volume Discount

With the ability to apply unlimited discounts across multiple products and collections, you can easily configure simple or intricate Volume discounts for your products. You can tailor the appearance of discounted pricing to match your product pages, create urgency by setting time-sensitive quantity breaks and volume discounts, utilize a notification bar on the cart page to encourage up-selling and drive sales. Offer additional discounts by displaying discount coupon box right on your cart page.

Support multiple tier discount layouts

Support multiple tier discount layouts

Discount types and discount applied to collection, products

Discount types and discount applied to collection, products

Customer specific discount and scheduling of discounts

Customer specific discount and scheduling of discounts