
B2B Wholesale+Forms & Pricing

Create wholesale or volume/tiered discounts pricing for different groups based on customer tags!

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App IDwholesale-volume-discount
Vendor IDgoodapps3
Launched07 June 2023
CategoriesWholesale pricing Discounts
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews58

Benefits of B2B Wholesale+Forms & Pricing

Bulk discounts

About B2B Wholesale+Forms & Pricing

Boost your B2B sales with fully customizable wholesale volume/tiered discounts pricing without creating a separate store. Set up a user tag and assign it your wholesale clients. Optimize your offers and win more sales by using the powerful analytics. Apply your own suitable for your store design. That’s all a company needs for special pricing.

wholesale pricing

wholesale pricing

volume/tiered discount pricing

volume/tiered discount pricing

campaign  based on the customers tag

campaign based on the customers tag