
FAVS Wishlist Bar

Add a wishlist feature in style! Know what visitors like, recalling favorites might boost sales.

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App IDwishlist-bar
Vendor IDproduct-hero-ltd
Launched10 October 2022
CategoriesWishlists Cart recovery - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews10

Benefits of FAVS Wishlist Bar

About FAVS Wishlist Bar

Visitors typically aren’t ready to make a purchase straight away. They do, however, enjoy items and want to remember and easily locate them. The wishlist bar app allows customers to store things for later and receive reminders about inventory changes, discounts, or sales, encouraging them to return and buy.

It’s a stylish wishlist which gives the store a personal feel. You may use it to track consumer interest in your products, identify trends, and fine-tune your advertising strategy.

The app will add buttons to all pages automatically.

The app will add buttons to all pages automatically.

The bar appears once a product is added.

The bar appears once a product is added.

Customers will add their saved items to the cart.

Customers will add their saved items to the cart.