
Wishly ‑ Turn Traffic to Sales

Turn traffic into sales with personalized offers. Don't lose another sale. Acquire new customers.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDwishly-app
Vendor IDsgt6
Launched14 February 2024
CategoriesCustom pricing and quotes
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews5

Benefits of Wishly ‑ Turn Traffic to Sales

About Wishly ‑ Turn Traffic to Sales

Give your customers the power to make an offer for your products and watch the orders come in. Wishly easily integrates with your Shopify store and allows you to customize the products your customers can make offers on. No timely back and forth negotiation–Wishly gives you the power to accept, counteroffer, or reject any offer with a limited-time discount that can lead to higher sales and conversion rate. Wishly turns your traffic into sales. Get started today.

Increase conversion. Drive more sales. Make an offer

Increase conversion. Drive more sales. Make an offer

Use marketing to complete the sale. Don't lose another customer

Use marketing to complete the sale. Don't lose another customer

Personalized offers and discounts sell more products

Personalized offers and discounts sell more products