
WizardAi ‑ Product A/B Testing

Optimize sales with our A/B Split Test App. Test prices, descriptions, images and more.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDwizardai-product-a-b-test
Vendor IDwizard-apps-ai
Launched08 June 2023
CategoriesCustomer analytics Competitive pricing
Avg rating3.2
Total reviews3

Benefits of WizardAi ‑ Product A/B Testing

About WizardAi ‑ Product A/B Testing

Easily create multiple test variations for prices, descriptions, and images, allowing you to experiment and identify the elements that have the greatest impact on sales. Make data-driven decisions, rather than relying on guesswork. Our app provides comprehensive analytics and reports with our high-powered dashboard. Conduct multiple split tests simultaneously, allowing you to optimize various product categories or specific marketing campaigns. Upsell your customer with the better variant.

 A/B Split Test App - Prices, Images, Description

A/B Split Test App - Prices, Images, Description

Split Test Analytics Dashboard

Split Test Analytics Dashboard

Organize Data , Filter , Search , Export

Organize Data , Filter , Search , Export