
Product Search & Filters

Enhance your site's search experience and boost sales. Helps customers find products within seconds

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App IDwizzy-search-filters
Vendor IDvelox-softech-llp
Launched18 November 2022
Avg rating5
Total reviews27

Benefits of Product Search & Filters

About Product Search & Filters

Wizzy is an enterprise-level eCommerce Smart Search & Filters. The intelligent smart search understands the users’ intent and displays the most relevant products. With intelligent search, Wizzy provides highly customizable filters which can be displayed on the search results page. Furthermore, Wizzy’s smart eCommerce search is optimized for mobile devices. It provides mobile users with all the essential filters to quickly narrow the search results.

Intelligent Search - Understands visitor's intent

Intelligent Search - Understands visitor's intent

Advanced Filters - Custom filters based on business needs.

Advanced Filters - Custom filters based on business needs.

Self Learning - Search experience get improved automatically.

Self Learning - Search experience get improved automatically.