

Companies of all sizes use Workfeed to create, share, and track work schedules across departments.

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App IDworkfeed
Vendor IDworkfeed-aps3
Launched21 December 2023
CategoriesStaff manager
Avg rating4
Total reviews1

Benefits of Workfeed

About Workfeed

Employers and managers use Workfeed to create work schedules that strike a perfect balance between the needs of their workforce and the demands of their business.

By doing so, they pave the way towards optimized labor costs, a top-notch work environment, and outstanding business results.

The time tracking overview in Workfeed.

The time tracking overview in Workfeed.

The leave calendar in Workfeed.

The leave calendar in Workfeed.

Real time and forecasted revenue and labor data.

Real time and forecasted revenue and labor data.