

Wrapify organizes each customer's gift wrap preferences. Know exactly what your customer wants.

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App IDwrapify-2
Vendor IDlorem-ipsum-corp
Launched05 August 2022
CategoriesGift wrapping
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Wrapify

About Wrapify

Always calling your customers last-minute to find out how they want their items packed? Wrapify makes things easy by retrieving all that info ahead of time. You’ll know exactly how to organize the items in their order and customize each package with their chosen finish. Streamline the ordering process for you and your customers with our built-in customizable features, including gift wrap options, notes, and cross-selling capabilities!

The app view on cart page.

The app view on cart page.

Just drag and drop products into the wrapping boxes.

Just drag and drop products into the wrapping boxes.

Order details page with wrapping information.

Order details page with wrapping information.