
Same-day delivery of all your locally delivered orders in and around Vancouver, Canada with Wyngit.

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App IDwyngit
Vendor IDsplendense
Launched30 September 2021
CategoriesDelivery and pickup
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Wyngit

Smooth seamless same-day delivery, over the weekend or service at specific times
Customized to your business. Anything you need, that's what we deliver.
Real-time KPI tracking through our dashboard with exactly the numbers you need.

About Wyngit

Seamless same-day delivery from your store to their door. What does Wyngit do? We deliver—swiftly and seamlessly. We tailor our service offering to each client based on their business needs.

With the Wyngit app you can automate or manually choose all your locally delivered orders . Let customers choose same-day delivery or other customized delivery options during checkout and the only thing you need to worry about is to pack the orders.

Who is Wyngit?

Who is Wyngit?

Why Wyngit?

Why Wyngit?

Automated Shipping option in checkout

Automated Shipping option in checkout