
XunluAI chatBot

Advanced AI chatbot: Increases conversion rates, boosts sales opportunities, enhances satisfaction

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDxunluai-chatbot
Vendor IDxpch
Launched08 May 2024
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of XunluAI chatBot

About XunluAI chatBot

XunluAI chatBot is a no-code platform that provides instant customer support for your store, enabling a personalized shopping experience and boosting sales growth. It interacts effortlessly with visitors without human intervention, helping them find ideal products and offering real-time personalized recommendations. Additionally, XunluAI chatBot optimizes the after-sales process, allowing customers to conveniently check order status at any time, simplifying what used to be cumbersome.

XunluAI chatBot homepage

XunluAI chatBot homepage

XunluAI chatBot training

XunluAI chatBot training

XunluAI chatBot config

XunluAI chatBot config