
Yanet: Returns and Exchanges

Create and manage all return and exchange requests in an app. Embedded portal for customer included.

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App IDyanet-return-and-exchange
Vendor IDyanet
Launched07 April 2023
CategoriesReturns and exchanges Operations - Other
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews13

Benefits of Yanet: Returns and Exchanges

About Yanet: Returns and Exchanges

Return and Exchange management app provides a quick and clear flow-based solution to handle all return and exchange requests from your customers. Store owner can freely create different return and exchange policies and rules applied to different products based on various situations. Customers can easily submit requests via an embedded public portal on the site and keep updated via email notifications. Text, banner and color on the portal are supported to change directly, just contact us!

Manage  all return & exchange requests in 1 place

Manage all return & exchange requests in 1 place

Create different rules & reasons for different products

Create different rules & reasons for different products

Easy-to-use embedded portal allows customers to submit requests

Easy-to-use embedded portal allows customers to submit requests