
YDM Delivery (Official)

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App IDydm-delivery-official
Vendor IDdatalogics
Launched20 January 2021
CategoriesShipping labels Shipping rate calculator
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of YDM Delivery (Official)

About YDM Delivery (Official)

Intergration to YDM Delivery Company Using this app you can connect your website to YDM Delivery. Our App gives you a way to send your order details directly to the delivery, Print and prepare the package with few clicks.

Very simple steps and you are ready:

  1. Inside the app setting page, fill the details of your company. this information is important for the delivery guy to know where to pick your packages from.

  2. Inside each order page click on “more actions” and then click "Create…

Orders screen with app button

Orders screen with app button

Sending delivery to shippin company

Sending delivery to shippin company

Successfully create delivery number

Successfully create delivery number