
YT SMS Verify COD Notification

This app aims to minimize the number of fraudulent orders submitted by unidentified customers

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App IDyt-sms-verify-cod-marketing
Vendor IDyity-apps
Launched14 September 2023
CategoriesMerchant order notifications
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of YT SMS Verify COD Notification

About YT SMS Verify COD Notification

The app efficiently reduces fraudulent orders from anonymous customers by sending instant SMS confirmations with unique URLs. Customers verify their orders through the link, updating the status to “confirmed,” while unconfirmed orders are marked as “pending” for manual review. Simple to install and set up, the app enhances security, streamlines transactions, and safeguards businesses from bogus orders.

SMS Templates

SMS Templates

App Settings

App Settings

SMS Rates

SMS Rates